Name D.O.T. Buy /Sell No.of shares S$/shr
Nam Cheong 28-J ul-15 Share Buy-Back 1,300,000 0.233
Amara Holdings Limited 28-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 26,000 0.510
Genting Singapore Plc 28-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 3,600,500 0.895
ST Engineering 28-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 95,800 3.290
Courts Asia Limited 28-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 131,800 0.395
Nam Cheong 27-J ul-15 Share Buy-Back 28,000 0.235
Amara Holdings Limited 27-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 71,200 0.521
Pacific Century Regional Developments Limited 27-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 218,000 0.445
Courts Asia Limited 27-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 112,000 0.400
Noble Group Limited 24-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 17,610,000 0.639
Amara Holdings Limited 24-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 7,000 0.510
Courts Asia Limited 24-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 10,000 0.400
Ryobi Kiso Holdings Ltd. 24-J ul-15 Share Buy-Back 155,400 0.105
Amara Holdings Limited 23-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 11,800 0.510
Noble Group Limited 23-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 28,500,000 0.628
PEC Ltd. 23-J ul-15 Share Buy-Back 300,000 0.417
Ryobi Kiso Holdings Ltd. 23-J ul-15 Share Buy-Back 285,200 0.105
Soup Restaurant Group Limited 23-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 386,000 0.218
Amara Holdings Limited 22-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 80,000 0.510
Courts Asia Limited 22-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 90,000 0.400
Pacific Century Regional Developments Limited 22-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 441,200 0.445
Ryobi Kiso Holdings Ltd. 22-J ul-15 Share Buy-Back 234,800 0.104
Amara Holdings Limited 21-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 20,000 0.510
Pacific Century Regional Developments Limited 21-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 14,600 0.435
Ryobi Kiso Holdings Ltd. 21-J ul-15 Share Buy-Back 50,000 0.101
Amara Holdings Limited 20-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 23,900 0.510
Courts Asia Limited 20-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 20,000 0.400
GP Batteries International Limited 20-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 12,000 0.951
KTL Global Limited 20-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 1,000,000 0.169
Pacific Century Regional Developments Limited 20-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 10,900 0.435
Amara Holdings Limited 16-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 6,100 0.510
Fragrance Group Limited 16-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 1,300,000 0.210
Pacific Century Regional Developments Limited 16-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 29,000 0.435
PEC Ltd. 16-J ul-15 Share Buy-Back 120,000 0.420
Courts Asia Limited 15-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 138,000 0.395
Fragrance Group Limited 15-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 250,000 0.205
GP Batteries International Limited 15-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 21,000 0.951
Pacific Century Regional Developments Limited 15-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 17,300 0.435
Aspial Corporation Limited 03-J ul-15 Share Buy-Back 50,000 0.365
CNMC Goldmine Holdings Limited 03-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 80,000 0.251
GP Batteries International Limited 03-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 21,200 0.745
Koh Brothers Group Limited 03-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 40,000 0.310
Pacific Century Regional Developments Limited 03-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 8,818,600 0.455
ST Engineering 03-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 7,200 3.280
Telechoice International Limited 02-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 100,000 0.275
CNMC Goldmine Holdings Limited 02-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 107,000 0.255
GP Batteries International Limited 02-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 45,400 0.955
GP Industries Limited 02-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 4,000 0.735
Koh Brothers Group Limited 02-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 50,000 0.310
Pacific Century Regional Developments Limited 02-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 3,615,800 0.459
ST Engineering 02-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 500,000 3.283
CNMC Goldmine Holdings Limited 01-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 128,000 0.252
FSL Trust Management Pte. Ltd. 01-J ul-15 Share Buy-Back 219,800 0.176
GP Batteries International Limited 01-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 36,700 0.953
GP Industries Limited 01-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 5,200 0.730
Koh Brothers Group Limited 01-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 50,000 0.310
Pacific Century Regional Developments Limited 01-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 2,771,900 0.460
Soup Restaurant Group Limited 01-Jul-15 Share Buy-Back 92,800 0.215
Substantial Shareholder/ Director
Stock Date Shareholder/Dir Buy/Sell No of Shs ('000) Price/Share $ % Before % After Change
G.K. Goh 23-Jul-15 Goh Yew Lin *Buy 54 0.9200 195,151 59.7400 195,205 59.7500
G.K. Goh 23-Jul-15 Goh Geok Khim *Buy 54 0.9200 195,151 59.7400 195,205 59.7500
G.K. Goh 23-Jul-15 GKG Investment Hldgs P L Buy 54 0.9200 195,151 59.7400 195,205 59.7500
Noble Group 23-Jul-15 Richard Samuel Elman *Buy 15000 0.6400 1,421,327 21.5600 1,436,327 21.7800
Noble Group 23-Jul-15 Noble Hldgs Ltd Buy 15000 0.6400 1,404,379 21.3000 1,419,379 21.5300
Hwa Hong Corp 22-Jul-15 Ong Kay Eng Buy 175 0.3300 35,723 5.4700 35,898 5.4900
G. K. Goh 21-Jul-15 GKG Investment Buy 17 0.9200 195,129 59.7300 195,146 59.7400
G. K. Goh 21-Jul-15 Goh Geok Khim *Buy 17 0.9200 195,129 59.7300 195,146 59.7400
G. K. Goh 21-Jul-15 Goh Yew Lin *Buy 17 0.9200 195,129 59.7300 195,146 59.7400
China J ishan Hldgs 21-Jul-15 J in Guan Liang *Buy 100 0.0600 220,322 73.0800 220,422 73.1100
Hwa Hong Corp 21-Jul-15 Ong Kay Eng Buy 112 0.3200 35,611 5.4500 35,723 5.4700
Oxley Hldgs 20-Jul-15 Chong Chiat Kwong Buy 217 0.4700 363,817 12.3400 364,034 12.3500
Hwa Hong Corp 20-Jul-15 Ong Kay Eng Buy 404 0.3200 35,207 5.3900 35,611 5.4500
AA Grp 20-Jul-15 Lai Hock Meng Sell 90 0.0900 4,858 5.0500 4,768 4.9500
Noble Group 20-Jul-15 F ranklin Resources *Buy 6300 0.6800 524,977 7.9600 531,277 8.0600
StarHub Ltd 20-Jul-15 Nihal V ijaya Devadas Sell 12 3.9400 27 0.0000 15 0.0000
OLS Ent 16-Jul-15 Affin Hwang Asset Mgt Sell 1800 0.0100 100,000 5.0800 98,200 4.9900
OLS Ent 16-Jul-15 Ho Kait Hing *Sell 1800 0.0100 100,000 5.0800 98,200 4.9900
OLS Ent 16-Jul-15 Koo Ah Kan *Sell 1800 0.0100 100,000 5.0800 98,200 4.9900
Mewah 16-Jul-15 Michelle Cheo Hui Ning *Buy 89 0.3300 628,149 41.8600 628,238 41.8700
Oxley Hldgs 16-Jul-15 Low See Ching Buy 579 0.4300 235,737 8.0000 236,316 8.0200
AA Grp 16-Jul-15 Lai Hock Meng Sell 2095 0.0900 6,953 7.2200 4,858 5.0500
Hwa Hong Corp 16-Jul-15 Ong Kay Eng Buy 130 0.3200 35,077 5.3700 35,207 5.3900
AA Grp 15-Jul-15 Lai Hock Meng Sell 54 0.0900 7,007 7.2800 6,953 7.2200
Hwa Hong Corp 14-Jul-15 Ong Kay Eng Buy 25 0.3100 35,052 5.3600 35,077 5.3700
Roxy-Pacific Hldgs 14-Jul-15 Kian Lam Invest Buy 59 0.5000 445,115 37.2900 445,174 37.3000
Mewah Intl 14-Jul-15 Cheo Tong Choon *Buy 53 0.3300 697,096 46.4500 697,149 46.4600
Lifebrandz Ltd 14-Jul-15 Qumulus Sell 6900 0.0100 244,900 8.0000 238,000 7.7800
Lifebrandz Ltd 14-Jul-15 Cedric Chong Sien Chern *Sell 6900 0.0100 244,900 8.0000 238,000 7.7800
Mewah Intl 14-Jul-15 Bianca Cheo *Buy 53 0.3300 628,096 41.8500 628,149 41.8600
PACC Offshore 14-Jul-15 Kuok Khoon Ean *Buy 25 0.3800 1,700 0.0900 1,725 0.0900
AA Grp 14-Jul-15 Lai Hock Meng Sell 751 0.0900 7,758 8.0600 7,007 7.2800
UOB-Kay Hian 13-Jul-15 K.I.P. Inc *Buy 27 1.4900 49,449 6.4000 49,476 6.4100
Serial Sy stem 13-Jul-15 Goh Bak Heng Buy 250 0.1900 349,593 39.0200 349,843 39.0500
Yoma Strategic 13-Jul-15 The Capital Grp Co Inc * Sell 150 0.4200 138,496 8.0100 138,346 8.0000
Yoma Strategic 13-Jul-15 Capital Res & Mgt * Sell 150 0.4200 138,496 8.0100 138,346 8.0000
Yoma Strategic 13-Jul-15 Capital Group Intl * Sell 150 0.4200 138,496 8.0100 138,346 8.0000
Hwa Hong Corp 13-Jul-15 Ong Kay Eng Buy 52 0.3100 35,000 5.3600 35,052 5.3600
Overseas Education 13-Jul-15 Prudential Assurance Sell 1000 0.8300 21,248 5.1200 20,248 4.8700
AA Grp 13-Jul-15 Lai Hock Meng Sell 400 0.0900 8,158 8.4700 7,758 8.0600
Debao Property 13-Jul-15 East Hero Sell 14500 0.0700 77,950 6.9300 63,450 5.6400
Rex Intl 13-Jul-15 F IL *Sell 480 0.2000 113,940 9.0100 113,460 8.9800
UOB-Kay Hian 10-Jul-15 Wee Ee Chao *Buy 23 1.4900 188,678 24.4300 188,701 24.4400
City Dev Ltd 10-Jul-15 Aberdeen Asset *Buy 95 9.7800 199,961 21.9900 200,056 22.0000
AA Grp 10-Jul-15 Lai Hock Meng Sell 510 0.0900 8,668 9.0000 8,158 8.4700
Ascendas India Tr 9-Jul-15 J F Asset Buy 600 0.9000 55,076 5.9600 55,676 6.0300
Lifebrandz Ltd 9-Jul-15 Qumulus Sell 3100 0.0100 248,000 8.1100 244,900 8.0000
Lifebrandz Ltd 9-Jul-15 Chong Sien Chern *Sell 3100 0.0100 248,000 8.1100 244,900 8.0000
Fragrance Group 9-Jul-15 Koh Wee Meng Buy 200 0.2000 4,979,500 74.1500 4,979,700 74.1600
Fragrance Group 9-Jul-15 Lim Wan Looi *Buy 200 0.2000 4,979,500 74.1500 4,979,700 74.1600
KOP Ltd 2-Jul-15 Ong Chih Ching Buy 434 0.11 1066 0.12 1500 0.17
Oxley Hldgs 1-Jul-15 Low See Ching Buy 50 0.44 235087 7.97 235137 7.98
We Hldgs 1-Jul-15 Terence Tea *Buy 9000 0.01 180179 5.57 189179 5.85
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